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Health check-up package for university entrance

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Saigon International General Hospital System is currently implementing general examination packages for many different subjects, including women’s health examination packages.

1. Women’s health check-up package:

The women’s health check-up package is a comprehensive specialized check-up package for women, recommended to be performed annually to screen for abnormal health signs. Thanks to that, doctors can detect early risks as well as early signs of diseases, provide timely prevention and treatment methods, increase treatment ability and higher recovery rate.

Different from the usual general packages, the examination package not only deeply checks the functions of the liver, kidneys, lungs, thyroid and bones but also looks for abnormalities of the ovaries, uterus, breasts and consults on skin cosmetic problems.

During regular women’s health check-ups, women will receive advice from doctors about reproductive health, effective and safe birth control methods, and will be able to detect and search for endocrine and psychological disorders, etc., in order to have appropriate treatment directions.

Through gynecological examination, women will have their lower and upper genital organs examined in general, thereby making early detection and prevention of diseases related to the reproductive organs easier, proactively treating them promptly, avoiding dangerous complications for the body.

Women’s health check-up packages also save time and money by age group including:

  • Health check-up package for women under 40 years old: group of subjects in reproductive age. Experts will perform gynecological examination and consultation, contraception consultation, reproductive issues and vaccination as well as sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, the check-up package also includes tests and imaging diagnosis of the liver, kidneys, lungs, ovaries, especially checking for abnormal signs leading to breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
  • Health check-up package for women aged 40 and over: premenopausal group. In addition to imaging diagnosis, gynecological examination and consultation, the package also includes endocrine examination and consultation, along with abnormal tests when hormones change at this stage such as: thyroid, osteoporosis. In particular, this package is also designed with APTIMA HPV test – HPV Cervical Cancer Test, known as an advanced method to help identify the existence and activity of 14 high-risk HPV types , these types have been proven to be related to 99.7% of cervical cancer cases.

>>> Learn more about cardiovascular examination through the article: What does a general cardiovascular examination include and where?

Measure blood pressure

At the age of 40-50, women’s bodies will experience some changes such as decreased sexual desire, hot flashes, changes in body shape and function, thus increasing the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight and especially cervical cancer and breast cancer.

With more than 16 years of experience in taking care of the health of nearly 1,800,000 patients, we have a deep understanding of the importance of women’s health check-ups . Therefore, the general health check-up package for women over 40 years old was born to check and look for signs of endocrine disorders and female physiological functions, thereby providing effective care and treatment. In addition, Saigon International General Hospital System will advise on how to prevent incurable diseases and avoid reproductive health risks for women.

2. What does the women’s health check-up package include?

Depending on age, the health check-up package will have different items to check. However, a women’s health check-up package usually includes the following items:

Clinical examination

  • General Internal Examination
    • Find out information related to women’s health including: family medical history, daily living environment, etc.
    • Exploiting information on functional symptoms
    • Physical examination by taking pulse, funduscopy, percussion of tendon reflexes, listening to heart and lungs, etc.
    • Check related indicators such as BMI, blood pressure index, chest circumference, abdomen area, etc.
  • Vision test: Eye test to assess defects such as nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, refractive errors, etc.
  • Dental examination: Take panoramic x-rays of teeth to check for root cysts and jaw tumors.
  • ENT examination: Tympanometry, pure tone audiometry, ENT endoscopy, etc.
  • Gynecological examination
    • Pap smear and HPV test (Note: do not skip the pap smear test, this is considered the basis for detecting signs of cancer or pre-cancerous stages)
    • Colposcopy
    • Fresh vaginal discharge examination
    • Ultrasound of uterus and adnexa

>>> Women often experience difficulty breathing, chest tightness, headaches, which could be signs of post-Covid syndrome. Check out the post-Covid health check-up package at Saigon International General Clinic.

Paraclinical examination

  • Functional testing
    • Electrocardiogram: Detects myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, conduction disorders, ventricular hypertrophy, extrasystoles, etc.
    • Liver function assessment: liver enzyme tests GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transferase), AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase), ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), Bilirubin quantification (total-direct or indirect)
    • Evaluation of kidney function: Blood urea test, creatinine test
    • Diabetes risk assessment: Blood glucose test (fasting), HbA1c index
    • Assessing Gout Risk: Uric Acid Test
    • Blood Lipid Disorder Test: Quantitative measurement of total cholesterol, HDL-C (High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol), LDL-C (Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol), Triglyceride
    • Serum iron test to check the amount of iron in the blood
    • General urinalysis to detect diseases related to the urinary system and urinary tract
  • Hematology test
    • Blood test: Evaluates anemia, infection, blood disorders related to platelet count
    • Determining blood type (rare blood type ABO, Rh) is essential for blood transfusion.
  • Microbiological testing:
    • TPHA (Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay) test evaluates syphilis status
    • Hepatitis B test through HBsAg antigen, HBsAb antibody quantification
    • Hepatitis C test via HCV Ab antibody
    • Hepatitis A test via HAV antibody – IgM
    • Checking for red blood cells in stool to screen for colon diseases such as tumors, ulcers or parasitic colitis)
    • Helicobacter pylori blood test
    • Stool test for tapeworm eggs

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Cơ sở 1: Phòng Khám Đa Khoa Quốc Tế Sài Gòn – Quận 1 (SIGC – Q1)

Thứ Hai – Thứ Bảy:7:30 – 16:00

Chủ Nhật: Nghỉ

Cơ sở 2: Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Sài Gòn quận 7 (SIGC – Q7)

Thứ Hai – Thứ Bảy:7:30 – 16:00

Chủ Nhật: Nghỉ





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